Hey there, everyone!
Thanks for taking the time to view our blog, LANtation. This page will be updated fairly regularly with news and updates about Minecraft, Technic (and all mods included) and also updates on our YouTube about Minecraft.
All posts will be made bellow, the latest at the top.
Mario and Square
Founders of LANtation.
Latest MINECON Updares
MINECON Tickets are already sold out but more may be on sale at a later date.
Take a look at this link to see more about Minecon and when ticket sales are back on (Ticket Sales are at the bottom, by the way). Hopefully more will be released, I was quite hoping to get some tickets, but maybe not this year. I guess I will just have to wait until Minecon is in the UK...
- Mario
Latest Mojang Updates
Hey there, everyone!
It's a me, Mario! Bringing you the latest Mojang Minecraft Updates!
So, on the 10th of September, they posted that Minecraft has teamed up with Threadless! Threadless make really awesome t-shirts, and you can enter a t-shirt to win prizes, such as a free trip to Minecon in Paris!! The t-shirts have to be "beautiful" and really cool, and most importantly...
Inspired by Minecraft! Check out http://www.threadless.com/minecraft to participate and read about it in more in-depth detail!
12th of September.
Daniel Kaplan posted an update on the latest Minecraft Xbox update!
"I spoke with Paddy at 4J Studios (the Scottish people helping us developing the xbox version) and he sent me some fresh screenshots from the latest build of Minecraft for the Xbox. He also sent me the latest update of the new Avatar items. Hhahahahhahah it is hilarious =D" Daniel

Seems they have added endermen, silverfish and blue spiders!
Check out this video of the Xbox Avatars... Sheep and Sheers!!
Next update... 13th September.
Jens posted an update on the new snap shot! Looks pretty epic, and shows a player riding a pig in a Nether Dungeon! Here is what Jens said:
"I don’t have much to say this week, so here’s just the brief 12w37a changelog:
- Tweaks to the Wither
- Carrots are now carrot, and added new food item
- Tweaks to a couple of item sprites
- Leather armor now has a non-dyed layer
- Superflat customization options
- Pigs are now able to jump when players ride on them
- Added /clear command to empty the inventory
- Evil mobs are now a little bit more fearless in hard difficulty
- Various bug fixes"
- Looks pretty good if you ask me!! You can download the snapshot client here: : http://assets.minecraft.net/12w37a/minecraft.jar
Thanks for reading, hope to see you again soon!
Co-Founder of LANtation
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